1. Articles
by Miles Stanford
The Basis For Christian Growth
By Andrew Miller
Is the One Man Pastor Scriptural?
By Mark Frees, former denominational pastor.
By Mark Frees, former denominational pastor.
Is It Possible to Meet as a New Testament Church?
By Gospel Folio Press
By Gospel Folio Press
Choosing a Church or Gathered in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
A letter written by Jim Sparks to encourage a brother in Christ.
A letter written by Jim Sparks to encourage a brother in Christ.
My Reasons
The reasons for George Landis’ resignation as Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Newcastle, PA., and from the Baptist Ministry.
The reasons for George Landis’ resignation as Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Newcastle, PA., and from the Baptist Ministry.
2. Books
Why Modern Churches are Carnal?
(By Jim Sparks)
Definition of Church
Names and Titles
Position of the Pastor
Membership in the Church
The Church: Its Center, Ordinances, Worship, and Ministry
(By A.N. O’Brien)
The Church: Its Worship
The Church: Its Center of Gathering and Ordinances
The Church: Its Ministry
What Saith the Scriptures?
(By Don Welborn)
To What or to Whom are Your Gathered?
Salvation or Baptism: Which Comes First?
Baptism in the Spirit